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Sunday, 22 March 2015


free download typing tutor Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing V. 20 full version is one of the best typing tutor of the world. The most comprehensive typing instruction system now includes updated learning tools, an improved user interface and even more features to guarantee typing improvements in just 2 weeks. Whether you want to learn essential keyboarding skills or improve overall typing efficiency, Mavis Beacon will guide you step-by step on your road to success! Improve speed and accuracy with detailed assessments, customized lessons and skill-building games. In addition to
Mavis Beacon's personal typing instruction, detailed reports illustrate overall progress and assist in identifying specific strengths and weaknesses. Powerful learning tools, along with this detailed reporting will help typists excel at their own pace. Hard work is rewarded with "recess time" and certificates of completion. Cool tools such as "import your own MP3 files" and fun arcade-style games enrich the learning experience.

Redesigned with advanced technology and updated with even more features--Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Platinum 20 offers typists of all skill levels and ages a brand new learning experience with greater benefits and increased efficiency. free download typing tutor Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing V. 20 full version. 

430 Personalized lessons, exercises and tests
16 Arcade-style games, including multi-level games
Detailed tracking and progress reporting
New content--type jokes, riddles, recipes, song lyrics and more
Type in English, Spanish & French
Choose from new music options or import your own MP3 files and type to your own tunes
New Certificates of CompletionHybrid--Works with Microsoft Vista & Mac OSX Universal certified
Platinum Exclusives
Unique Custom Lesson Designer
Learn to type in English, Spanish & French
New multi-level arcade-style games
Import your own text as Word.doc formats--be productive while practicing your typing skills
Choose to type from hundreds of interesting articles, stories and emoticons

Learn with Mavis Beacon and achieve noticeable results quicker than any other typing program--guaranteed. Please view the features  and free download typing tutor Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing V. 20 full version below.
Product Features
Learn essential keyboarding skills or improve overall typing 
efficiency 430 Personalized lessons,
 exercises and tests Detailed progress reports assist in identifying strengths and weaknesses
16 arcade-style typing games Bilingual instruction (English & Spanish)

Type Better - Email Faster - Work Smarter!

With a complete re-design, Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Deluxe 20 may not look familiar, but we promise that Mavis Beacon still provides guaranteed improvements in only 2 weeks.
Mavis Beacon's unrivaled typing training program has great features that will benefit any user, from students just starting out to professionals looking to squeeze a few more emails into the work day.

Dynamic personal instruction automatically places and adjusts the lesson plans to users' individual performance

12 fun & challenging typing games that will keep users coming back
Over 325 practice session options
Detailed tracking & reporting
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Deluxe 20 is all new!

We've done what we didn't think was possible - we've made Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing even better!
Upgraders from Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing 17 will find an all-new user interface and re-designed features and functionality. Here are just some of the improvements we've made to the leading typing instruction program available:

Core Curriculum Improvements

While the core curriculum within Mavis Beacon remains as effective as ever, we've introduced a Curriculum Map to make it easier for users to see where they are in the overall training program.
Re-designed Games

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing 20 Deluxe features 12 re-designed games. Each game provides a fun and motivating way to practice and improve typing skills.
More Practice Content

With over 325 different sessions, passages and tests, there is something for everyone in the Practice Area. Content includes passages and sessions from literary classics, historical autobiographies, poetry and more!
Key Features:
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing has been the leading typing instruction application for at least a decade by offering:

Dynamic Personal Instruction

Leverage Mavis Beacon's renowned Adaptive Response Technology to run through the core training curriculum and maximize your improvements in the shortest time possible. Mavis Beacon will automatically place you in the lessons based on your current skill level and adjust your path as you progress through the training program.
Practice Area

Mavis Beacon lets you choose what you use to practice your typing. Select from hundreds of articles and passages covering a wide variety of topics and subjects including literary classics, history, autobiographies and poetry.
Typing Games

With a total of 12 typing games designed to improve your speed, accuracy and/or rhythm, the Games Area is sure to be a favorite destination for any user.
Progress Tracking & Reporting

Mavis Beacon tracks your performance over time and provides a series of reports so that you can understand and review your progress.
The Summary report gives a snapshot of the users' cumulative performance.

Keyboard Proficiencies show detailed performance by individual key, allowing users to see on which keys they need improvement.
The Curriculum Map provides users with a view of where they are within the Mavis Beacon Training Program.
Progress Over Time charts users' performance on milestone lessons over an extended period, giving users a view of how much they have improved.
Spanish Mode

In Spanish Mode, Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing presents help, reports and more in Spanish, allowing Spanish- and English-language learners to get more out of their time with Mavis Beacon.
Key Features:
Keyboarding skills have never been more important for students. Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing has many features that help young typists stay motivated!

12 fun & challenging games will keep kids motivated

Fun practice sessions including IM/text messages, emoticons, nursery rhymes and excerpts from classic books and stories including Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland and Little Women
Import and listen to your favorite MP3 while you type. free download typing tutor Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing V. 20 full version by visiting the below downloading method.


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