CID is an Indian police procedural television series that premiered on Sony Entertainment Television on 21 January 1998. The series was created by B. P. Singh and produced by Singh and Pradeep Uppoor under the banner of Fireworks Production. It featured Shivaji Satam as ACP Pradyuman, Aditya Srivastava as Sr. Inspector Abhijeet, Dayanand Shetty as Sr. Inspector Daya, Dinesh Phadnis as Inspector Fredricks and Narendra Gupta as Dr. Salunkhe. The location of CID is set in Mumbai. The series is one of the longest-running television series in India. The series first premiered on 21 January 1998 and aired its 500th episode on 18 January 2008, 1000th episode on 13 September 2013, 1500th episode on 25 February 2018. The series renewed for a second season in December 2024 set to premiere from 21st December. [1] CID garnered widespread national attention and developed a substantial following due to its distinctive storytelling and unique approach. It is widely regarded as a cult classic.
Shivaji Satam as ACP Pradyuman (1998–2018; 2024–present). Initially referred as Sr. Inspector Pradyuman in the first few episodes after which he got a promotion to ACP in episode "The Case of the Thief Within – I" and had been referred to ACP Pradyuman since. In episode, "CID par grahan — II" , it was revealed that his full name is ACP Pradyuman Naik Satam.
Dinesh Phadnis as Inspector Fredricks "Freddy" (1998–2018). He first appeared in episode "Kissa Raat Ke Shikhar Ka – I", but his role as Sub-Inspector started in episode "The Case of the Third Man – I" where he was initially referred as Sub Inspector Prince/Michael but referred as Fredricks from episode "The Case of the Last Five Minutes – I".
Ashutosh Gowariker as Sr. Inspector Virendra (1998–1999). He first appeared in episode "The Case of the Thief Within – I". His last episode in the show was episode "The Case of Missing Fugitive – II". He was transferred.
Dayanand Shetty as Sr. Inspector Daya (1998–2018; 2024–present). He first appeared in episode "The Case of the Anonymous Threats – I" as Sub Inspector Daya. He is referred to as Senior Inspector Daya in later episodes.
Narendra Gupta as Dr. R. P. Salunkhe (1998–2003, 2005, 2007–2018; 2024–present). He made his debut in the episode "The Case of the Incomplete Letter", where he was initially referred to as Dr. Verma but referred to as Dr. Salunkhe from episode "The Case of the Burnt Letter – I".
Aditya Srivastava as Sr. Inspector Abhijeet (1998-2018; 2024–present). He first appeared as character named 'Paresh', who stole ACP's gun in episode "The Case of the Stolen Gun". His role as Inspector Abhijeet started in the episode "The Case of the Stolen Dynamite – I".
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