Red One is a 2024 American Christmas action comedy film directed by Jake Kasdan and written by Chris Morgan, from an original story by Hiram Garcia. The film follows the head of North Pole security (Dwayne Johnson) teaming up with a notorious hacker (Chris Evans) in order to locate a kidnapped Santa Claus (J. K. Simmons) on Christmas Eve. Lucy Liu, Kiernan Shipka, Bonnie Hunt, Nick Kroll, Kristofer Hivju, and Wesley Kimmel also star. The film is seen as the first of a Christmas-themed franchise, produced by Amazon MGM Studios in association with Seven Bucks Productions, Chris Morgan Productions, and The Detective Agency.
Red One was released internationally by Warner Bros. Pictures on November 6, 2024, and in the United States by Amazon MGM Studios through Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer on November 15. The film received mostly negative reviews and has grossed $149 million worldwide on a $200–250 million budget.
M.O.R.A (Mythological Oversight and Restoration Authority) is a clandestine, multilateral military organization that oversees and protects a secret peace treaty between mythological creatures and humanity. Callum Drift, head commander of Santa Claus's ELF (Enforcement Logistics and Fortification) security, requests to retire after one last Christmas run, as he has become disillusioned with increased naughty behavior in the world, exemplified by the growth of Santa's Naughty List. On Christmas Eve, a black ops team breaks into the North Pole complex and kidnaps Santa. Callum notifies Director Zoe Harlow about the kidnapping, and her team discovers that the North Pole's secret location was compromised by Jack O'Malley, a mercenary black-hat hacker who claims to be able to find anything in the world.
Zoe apprehends Jack for questioning. A lifelong Santa debunker, Jack did not know the information he hacked was related to Santa and merely sent it to an anonymous buyer. Zoe offers to double Jack's payment if he helps them find Santa but places a tracker inside him. Callum reluctantly teams up with Jack to find Santa by tracking the broker who arranged the deal between Jack and the kidnapper in Aruba. The broker tells them the kidnapper is the winter witch, Grýla. Grýla becomes aware of their conversation and sends her snowmen to eliminate them; though Callum and Jack defeat them, the broker is iced in the scuffle.
Callum suspects that Grýla might be working with Krampus, Santa's estranged adoptive brother, who is also Grýla's ex-lover and the one who created the Naughty List. Callum and Jack break into Krampus' lair but are captured. Callum appeals to Krampus to help his brother, who misses him, but Krampus refuses. Despite being allowed to leave, Jack stays and persuades Krampus to play Krampusschlap with Callum, during which Jack recovers Callum's magic gauntlet and returns it to him, allowing the pair to escape.
Grýla and her sons keep Santa in a vault that siphons his magic, knocking him unconscious. Grýla duplicates the glaskafig, a magical imprisoning snow globe, and intends to rid the world of every naughty child who has ever been on the Naughty List by imprisoning them forever. She tests the snow globes on Jack and his estranged son Dylan. She sends each of them a snow globe that imprisons them and returns to her lair. Jack and Dylan, inside their snow globes next to each other, have a heartfelt conversation that, by making them "nicer", causes the snow globes to break and free them.
Zoe and Callum find Jack at the North Pole complex after using a tracker inside him. They realize that Grýla, her team, and Santa never left the North Pole. They also learn that Grýla's team of shapeshifters has taken over the complex. They go to the North Pole and free the imprisoned Mrs. Claus and other security staff. In Santa's old workshop, they find Jack and Dylan and the toy-duplicating equipment that Grýla used to mass-produce the snow globes.
Because the North Pole equipment relies on Santa's powers, Grýla prepares to leave with an unconscious Santa using his sleigh to distribute the snow globes. A fight ensues, and Grýla is stopped by Callum and Jack, with an assist from Krampus, who arrives to help. Santa recovers and acknowledges his brother, while Grýla is sealed inside one of her snow globes and turned over to Zoe's custody.
With Grýla defeated, everyone rapidly prepares for the night's Christmas Eve run. Santa invites Jack and Dylan to accompany him, which they accept. During the successful run, Callum watches Jack regain his wonder and build a relationship with Dylan; this convinces him not to retire.
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